Me and my husband are not infertile. But we do have a few things working against us. Thick cervical mucous, thick semen, and a tilted cervix. It took us 18 months of TTC our daughter. We knew we wanted more kids, and that we wanted them close together. We never stopped TTC once Vaughn was born. I breastfed for over 8 months, and when Vaughn stopped, I started ovulating. We did timed intercourse for the next 5 months, and did not conceive. Then my friend actually gave me some of her left over clomid. hehehe.
We went and saw a reproductive specialist because we had heard Interuterine Insemination wasn't super expensive and maybe it would help to speed things along. I still didn't know if the clomid had worked. The Dr. did an ultrasound and could see I had dropped two eggs. A week later we found out I did not get pregnant.
Since I had responded well to the clomid she said we could do the clomid again, or we could do a more aggressive drug, an injectible, Follistim. I said that whatever she thought was best we would do. We decided to do the Follistim.
I responded VERY well to the Follistim, better than they thought actually and with the speed my follicles were maturing I was getting daily ultrasounds. When my follicles were mature enough they said that I would get the IUI in 36 hours. I had 3 mature eggs, and they said I had a 40% chance of conceiving 1, 20% chance of two and less than 1% chance of conceiving 3. We thought those were pretty good odds.
The day of our IUI (Sept 8, 2009) I was excited and nervous. My husbands post-wash sperm count was over 21 million (VERY good). That night I just kept thinking "please let me just get pregnant with 1".
Two days after my IUI I got another ultrasound and it revealed I did not drop 3 eggs, but 5. So the percentages for multiples nearly doubled. That night I just kept thinking "please let there be only 2." haha.
I took a home pregnancy test very early, on Sept 17, 2009, and it came up faintly positive. 6 tests later and Doug finally believed it. The blood test 5 days later confirmed it.
I got my first ultrasound on Sept 28th, 2009. So about 4 1/2 weeks along. And found out there are 3 babies! Oh my! We have been in shock ever since. Doug deploys in two days for 8 months so this is another pregnancy I'll be doing alone. I'll be moving to MN to be near family because I will more than likely end up on bedrest at some point.
There is a chance not all 3 will make it. We get another ultrasound on Monday, and one every week after for awhile. We have discussed selective reduction, and know there is no way we could do that.
This is the beginning of our journey.
I am busy...but busy doing what?
7 years ago