I have been MISERABLE this week. Frequent nausea, a very bad gag reflex, which leads most times to me puking, hip pain, and lack of sleep, and terrible sleep. I have lost two pounds in 4 days from lack of appetite, and then puking 3 days in a row from gagging from taking pills, and once from a bug flying into my mouth, lol.
Well, I had my doctors appointment today. And they are used to me saying I feel GREAT. So they were all kind of shocked when I said MISERABLE. The appointment went well, babies are all doing what they're supposed to, and are looking great. I met with a doctor I had never before and I brought up the fact that a different doctor their had said that if I reach 34-35 weeks and am miserable than we could do an amnio on the largest baby, and if the lungs look good, then we could deliver early. I never thought I'd feel miserable. And I really wanted to wait it out because 1) for the babies sake, every day longer in there is better for them, and 2) we will have to pay for Doug to come home early.
So we discussed it, and she said triplets are really full term between 34-36 weeks, based on how the babies are doing, and how the mother is doing mentally and physically. She said she did not want me to have 4 more weeks of feeling like I do now, and I agree whole heartedly! So, looks like 2 weeks from today (April 23rd) we'll do an amnio, and later they'll call me, and if everything looks good, then we'll plan on delivering 2-3 days later... just to give Doug a couple of days to get here in time for the delivery!! So it is looking like April 25th, or April 26th, the babies will be here!! Me and the babies will spend at least 4 days in the hospital. Recovering from a C-Section from triplets, is a LOT harder than from 1 baby from what the doctors are telling me. The babies may be able to leave when I leave.
The doctor said the worries that they have for the babies at that gestation isn't "physical", but normally they don't have enough fat to regulate their body temperatures, and eating. They aren't coordinated enough yet, to get the suck, swallow, breath thing down.
REALLY the babies will be almost 35 weeks when their born. Because their gestation is based on my last menstrual period, but based on my conception date, they're actually 4 days farther along. Because of the WAY we conceived we KNOW the day we conceived. And my doctor(s) are aware of this as well, and that is why the babies have always measured a little bit ahead, because, well, they ARE a little ahead. But they won't change my due date, because it's less than a weeks difference.
So looks like April babies it is!! I can't believe only 2 1/2 more weeks. Now, if I start to feel better. I'll tell them forget it, let them cook another 2 weeks. But my doctors really believe I'm only going to feel worse and worse. Yay.
I can't believe only just over 2 more weeks. I do NOT feel ready! But I don't think I ever will!