Friday, February 26, 2010


Seems like everyday is a new adventure lately!

Last Friday I had a bad headache, and fiuricet, then percocet didn't work, so my Doctors wanted me to come in, and after going to the hospital and getting morphine, and THAT still not working, I finally took Excedrin, against the dr's wishes. Now after that ordeal I have an appointment with neurology on Wednesday, hopefully they can give me something that'll work!

Drove up north about an hour to my dad's on Tuesday night and on the way had BH contractions every 5-10 minutes! Eeek! So when I got there I drank a lot of water and laid down, but they continued. After I ate dinner they finally stopped back to a normal amount of 1-2 an hour. I REALLY didn't want to call the doctor and go in, so I am glad I listened to my own sense and waited.

Then yesterday I didn't feel very good at all, all day. I wasn't hungry, I felt stuffed, even though I'd only had a small breakfast. After my nap I still didn't feel right. During dinner I finally ran from the table and vomited. I felt SO much better, and was then starving. So hopefully that was just a fluke.

Tomorrow is my shower from my family! After that I'll be on a shopping spree! Literally, I have bought NOTHING for the babies. I was the same with Vaughn. I waited until after my shower(s). I had one in VA from my friends already. But I will be spending, spending, spending, after tomorrow, because there is still a lot we need, and I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to get around to getting it!!

Everyday it is getting harder to leave the house. I get exhausted SO easily! It just isn't even worth walking around sometimes. And of course while inside taking care of a 19 month old, wears me out as well, even with all of the help I get from my mom and stepdad.

Tomorrow I'll be 26 weeks! I can hardly believe it! But at the same time, ugh, I can hardly believe I have another 10 whole weeks to go.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Officially on "Modified Bedrest"

Had my doctors appointment today. My nearly 25 week appointment (2 days shy).

Found out after I failed my 1 hour glucose test by 1 point. Boo. Could it have been the 2 cups of OJ I had before leaving the house? Perhaps. I'll never learn. When I had it with Vaughn I drank a redbull before the test and failed it. I will pass my 3 hour I am confident though, which is Monday morning. Early. Blah.

I also have to start taking Iron Supplements now, my "hemogloben levels are low", after 3 minutes of her explaining I realized she meant my iron is low. Why didn't you just say that, lady? Iron pills and constipation, here I come!

Can you say Percocet? Woohoo! Not really too much whoohooing. It's just for when my other headache pills aren't cutting it. So only a couple times a week or so. I don't want to deliver crack babies addicted to Percocet.

I have to get a pregnancy girdle type of thing. They said it'll help with my backpain. I think it's just my giant boobs, and unless it comes with a mega sports bra, I have my doubts. The pain isn't in my lower back, but in my upper back, between my shoulderblades. Oh well, I'll give it a whirl.

1 pound. I've gained 1 pound in 3 weeks. They don't seem concerned because the babies are all doing so well. I'm now up 21 pounds approximately. I thought I'd be up MUCH more by now. I'm trying. It's hard when your stomach is squished up.

And finally, the doctor asked "and you're on bedrest?" Um, no. "Oh, well you are now!" Not for any particular reason. Modified bedrest that is. And all of my limitations are what I'm doing anyways, so really no difference: No heavy lifting, no exercise, no housework, no vacuuming, no laundry, sit on my butt as much as possible, or in bed, etc. But I can still leave the house and all that. Hooray!

Everthing else looked great! Next appointment in 2 weeks, which also includes a level 2 ultrasound, which will take 2 hours. Then after that, weekly appointments!! Yay! I'm actually excited to get them everyweek, it will ease my nerves.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm going to miss her......

We obviously very badly wanted another child. We wanted Vaughn to have a sibling. We planned on having 3-4 children total. Of course we never thought we'd get it all done in two shots! I know a sibling is a gift, and I know she'll never remember a time wtihout them, or a time when it was just us. I can't help but feel guilty though at knowing how much this is all going to change Vaughn's life SO much.

I'll miss our snuggles, our HOURS long snuggles, interruption free.

I'll miss reading book after book, after book to her. As many times as she'd like, and her reading to me.

I'll miss saying "you are my FAVORITE baby in the WHOLE World".

I'll miss saying "you are the BEST thing that has EVER EVER EVER happened to me."

I'll miss feeding her with her sitting on my lap, at how ever many meals we want.

I'll miss our little uninterrupted conversations.

I'll miss us serenading each other in the car.

I'll miss turning a 1 minute diaper change into a 20 minute tickle fest.

I'll miss not ever rushing my time with her because I have to take care of another baby.

I'll miss not missing a single moment, due to an interruption.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sleep Issues and panic attack

So for the last couple of weeks most nights I wake up for 2 or more hours and can't fall back asleep, normally between 2am and 4am or so. So, I stopped taking naps, thinking that maybe I was getting too much sleep. But no, that didn't help, and made everything worse, because then I was only sleeping 5 hours a night or so, with no nap as well.

My doctor asks how I'm sleeping at every visit, so I think at next weeks visit I'll have to tell him, NOT good. Even with my two bodypillows and a comfy bed. My body is just not used to being this size, and it's getting much harder to stay comfortable! I'm not sure if he'll give me some drugs to help, or what. I have been on Ambien before. Oh, how I love Ambien. But I also know that your body builds an immunity to it, so it's not something I'd be able to continue to take for the next 3 months or so, because it will lose it's effectiveness after time.

Well, last night shortly before bed I started getting a headache behind my left eye. I didn't take anything, because I knew I'd be going to sleep soon and that hopefully sleep would make it go away. Well at 2 am I woke up and thought my eyeball was going to pop out of my head it hurt so bad!! My entire left side of my face hurt! I took my headache pill, but also some excedrin, because the pills they gave me don't work when the headaches are really bad (going to discuss that with Mr. Doctor as well next week).

Anyhow, the headache started to ease, but I didn't fall back asleep until sometime around 5am. But during that 3 hour period I started thinking of the babies coming, and my daughter, and just everything we still need (we still need EVERYTHING!) and being home with them, without any family help, and can I do it, etc. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts running through my head. People constantly ask if I'm nervous or afraid, and I really am not, but I think it's because the reality hasn't hit me completely. I try NOT to worry about it, and just know I'll be taking it day by day and we'll get through it. But last nights worrying led to a panic attack. All of the sudden I felt like my lungs were being compressed by my ribs, I could take in any deep breathes, and started getting hot and sweaty. Ugh. Luckily it only lasted a few minutes. That is why I try not to think about the fact that we're going to have 4 kids, all under the age of 2, and we'll be living in Virginia, with absolutely no family there to give any help, in about 3-4 months time. If I think about it too much it is like a brick crushing my chest. I know we'll be fine. I know that there are single moms who raise triplets. I just need to NOT think about it.

Hopefully the sleep situation gets better, because I am feeling like crap most days now from lack of sleep! And I may as well sleep now before the babies come, because I know after that, there won't be much!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Official Minivan Family!

Well with 4 kids that will be in carseats we knew we'd needed something to seat 6! I drove a Jeep Grand Cherokee limited, fully loaded, and Doug drove a Mazda 6. We traded in his Mazda 6 and got a 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Touring today! Doug will be driving the Jeep for the most part. My dad works for the dealership, so we got a "deal". I like it already! And it'll be fine for 4 carseats! It was just getting too hard putting Vaughn in the back of the Mazda with how big and uncomfortable I'm getting, so this will be MUCH easier!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

23 week ultrasound

Had my 23 week ultrasound yesterday and things could not have looked better!!

All of the boys are measuring about a week ahead!! They are big (little) boys! Babies A & C are 1lb 7oz, and B is 1lb 3oz. They have plenty of fluid in their sacs and are developing normally! My cervix is still very long, at almost 6cm (they said they like to see them at at least 3cm)!

The doctor, nurse, and ultrasound tech were all very suprised at how well me and the babies were doing, as well as how small I am carrying for triplets, and that all 3 are big. The doctor was actually shocked how well everything was going! He said "whatever you're doing, keep doing it." I said "I don't do anything." He said, "Keep doing nothing then." haha!

The doctor said that he wants me to get past 28 weeks, then after that anything is extra. Of course the thinks with my long, closed cervix I'll make it to 36 or even 37 weeks (depending on how the placenta's look). He mentioned if I get to 34 or 35 weeks and am completely miserable they would do an *amnio* of the largest baby and if everything looks good we could deliver then. We'll see. I must admit that I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable at this point. Although I'm not carrying large, it is a lot of my bodies creating these 3 boys. And the thought of going another 13-14 weeks does not sound fun. 11-12 more sounds much better. But I want to do what is best for the babies, and am not rushing anything. If the doctor believes at 34 or so weeks that the babies look great and would do well outside the womb, then I'll trust his medical expertise and do it, but if not, I'll just be miserable and let them cook longer!

*amnio* - Amniocentesis is a procedure in which a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal tissues, is extracted from the amnion or amniotic sac surrounding a developing fetus, and the fetal DNA is examined for genetic abnormalities.

So, that is all for now. My next regular checkup is in about 2 weeks. It was VERY reassuring to know how well the boys were all doing! Weird to know I'm already carrying around over 4lbs of baby. When they all reach 4lbs I'll be carrying around 12! We'll see how my body handles that!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Weird dreams.....

I don't even remember if I had weird dreams with Vaughn. If I did I didn't document them in my pregnancy journal with her. But man, this last week or so I have had some REAL doozies!!

A few nights ago I dreamed I lost one of the babies. Not a good dream at all. I have only had one dream about the babies this entire pregnancy, and that was that they were all boys, and that came true. So this dream kind of freaked me out. Then the next night I dreamed that I was bleeding.... But I have felt all 3 babies move since these 2, so am not worried. And tomorrow I have a big ultrasound to check growth, so I'll be able to be reassured that they are all good and well.

2 nights ago I dreamed I was heavily kissing Taylor Lautner. Hahaha. I RARELY have dreams in which I'm having sex or making out. This one was just VERY intense heavy kissing, but I was a very enjoyable, realistic dream. Now, mind you, my husband has been deployed now for 4 months. So, this dream was as close as I have gotten to fantasy. Then I woke up having to pee. Darn bladder ruined my dream!! And yes, I KNOW he's only 17 (he'll be 18 in a few days), and I am not a pedophile, but he's one good looking 17 year old! lol!

Then the night after that I dreamed my 13 year old niece was at my house just being a little witchy snot. She is NEVER like that to me, she is always super perfect to me. It was very realistic. So it was just strange because I know she'd never behave to me in the way she did in the dream. She may do it to her parents :) But not me!

I don't remember much of last nights dream. My niece was in it again though. I don't mind the strange realistic dreams, I just hope the bad ones about bad things happening to the babies stop!

I'm 23 weeks today!! Only 1 week away from my first milestone of 24 weeks! For those unaware 24 weeks is a good first milestone for people with multiples, because at 24 weeks the babies have a chance of surviving outside of the womb. Really a good milestone for any pregnant woman. But with multiples our number one complication and risk is premature labor.

I can't believe I still have another 13 weeks to go. UGH! I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable now. Daily backaches, and problems sleeping. I will probably ask the doctor for something for my back, it's only getting worse and more frequent. And I am just big already, it is going to be really crazy to see how big I get when all is said and done!