My doctor asks how I'm sleeping at every visit, so I think at next weeks visit I'll have to tell him, NOT good. Even with my two bodypillows and a comfy bed. My body is just not used to being this size, and it's getting much harder to stay comfortable! I'm not sure if he'll give me some drugs to help, or what. I have been on Ambien before. Oh, how I love Ambien. But I also know that your body builds an immunity to it, so it's not something I'd be able to continue to take for the next 3 months or so, because it will lose it's effectiveness after time.
Well, last night shortly before bed I started getting a headache behind my left eye. I didn't take anything, because I knew I'd be going to sleep soon and that hopefully sleep would make it go away. Well at 2 am I woke up and thought my eyeball was going to pop out of my head it hurt so bad!! My entire left side of my face hurt! I took my headache pill, but also some excedrin, because the pills they gave me don't work when the headaches are really bad (going to discuss that with Mr. Doctor as well next week).
Anyhow, the headache started to ease, but I didn't fall back asleep until sometime around 5am. But during that 3 hour period I started thinking of the babies coming, and my daughter, and just everything we still need (we still need EVERYTHING!) and being home with them, without any family help, and can I do it, etc. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts running through my head. People constantly ask if I'm nervous or afraid, and I really am not, but I think it's because the reality hasn't hit me completely. I try NOT to worry about it, and just know I'll be taking it day by day and we'll get through it. But last nights worrying led to a panic attack. All of the sudden I felt like my lungs were being compressed by my ribs, I could take in any deep breathes, and started getting hot and sweaty. Ugh. Luckily it only lasted a few minutes. That is why I try not to think about the fact that we're going to have 4 kids, all under the age of 2, and we'll be living in Virginia, with absolutely no family there to give any help, in about 3-4 months time. If I think about it too much it is like a brick crushing my chest. I know we'll be fine. I know that there are single moms who raise triplets. I just need to NOT think about it.
Hopefully the sleep situation gets better, because I am feeling like crap most days now from lack of sleep! And I may as well sleep now before the babies come, because I know after that, there won't be much!

I understand your anxiety, believe me! I have a 14-month-old daughter with another one on the way soon, and we have no family or friends nearby to help. It's hard enough with one, so I'm sure it will be a challenge with a second (and in your case - triplets - wow. I can't even imagine.). The anxiety and panic is normal, though certainly not pleasant.
ReplyDeleteI'm already freaking out about who's going to watch my daughter when I'm in the hospital - and although we're making arrangements to get help from overseas family members, there's no way I can predict when I'll go into labor and if their stay will even overlap with my child's birth.
Anyway, you're doing a great job baking those little ones and I hope everything works out okay for you. It will certainly be a big adjustment and things will not exactly be easy at first, but once you get into a thrythm or routine of sorts, it'll be a fabulous experience. :)
I love your blog, by the way!
Hi April! My name is Angela and just came across your blog. I'd love for you to come visit our blog. We have 17mo old GGB trips and 3 older kiddos. I can SO relate to your insomnia. Have you heard of Melatonin? It's a natural sleep aid. Although, I don't know if it's safe with pregnancy. I had to use Ambien a few times in the hospital, but I was afraid of sleep walking down the halls with my tooshy hang'n out! I have some expecting triplet links on my blog as well. Congratulations! I'll have to read back to see the sexes of your babies! 23+wks! Fantastic! We're at the Friesen Funny Farm or you can email me at!
ReplyDeleteThanks Melissa, I appreciate the support!! :) are going to be fine! I'm sure it's common to worry, but you are a strong woman and will be able to handle it all with you hands tied behind your back!