Today I am 28 weeks!!! According to my LMP. But REALLY, according to my conception date I am 28weeks and 4 days. But the doctors won't change my due date. So bah. Whatever. I'm 28 weeks!! I made it to my 3rd Trimester!!!!!
My last doctors appointment was 8 days ago, when I was 26wks/6days. And everything was looking marvelous!! Babies A & B were 2lbs 8oz, and 2lbs 9oz respectively. Each about a week ahead! And Baby C was 2lbs 1oz, which is right on time! All were looking very active and posing nicely!! My AMAzing cervix was measuring at 4.75cm. Whoohoo! The u/s tech joked I should rent it out :) The doctors, nurses and u/s techs are all still so impressed with my cervix. It's not something you're normally proud of or brag about, but GO CERVIX GO! WHOOHOO!! hahaha. The "average" cervix length for someone carrying a singleton in the 2nd trimester is 3-4 cm. Considering 5 weeks ago my cervix was almost 6cm, and a week ago almost 5cm with TRIPLETS, I guess is amazing in the medical field. Makes me wonder how long it was with Vaughn, especially since she had to be evicted at 41 weeks, and it took 3 days of induction to even get me to 1.5cm! Now I am thankful for my stubborn cervix though ~ I was MADE to carry triplets! Lol!
Everything else at the appointment went well. I forgot to update that I did indeed pass my 2 hour glucose test! Yay! Starting in a week I will be getting biophysical profiles and also regular checkups every week. At the bio profiles they check for the babies to be doing certain things, and if they don't perform a certain "score", than they have to deliver, like THAT day. I'll post more about what they were checking for next week.
I also forgot to say I had an amazing baby shower!! SO many adorable outfits, tons of diapers, more than $300 in cash and gift cards, 2 bouncers, a diaper genie, and TONS more! I feel so blessed!!! I have to sort through everything in these next couple of days. I know there are at least a couple of things I will have to return due to duplicates. But I STILL Do have a TON of stuff to buy. I still have NO bottles, blankets, swings, I need 1 more carseat, a changing pad, crib mobiles, and some other things. I'm going to order my triplet stroller this week. That will be my MOST costly single item. It will be around $400. But other parents of multiples have told me this is the "one", easy to transport, and it is just great I guess. And will be worth it in the long run! It's similar to Jon & Kate's 2 triplet strollers they have, except just a little more light weight. I don't see us trecking up Mt. Trashmore (a Virginia Beach "hotspot"), going on hikes, or anything like that anyways, not with me pushing ALL that weight! So I don't need something heavier duty anyways.
I'm starting to get MUCH bigger! I'll post a pic probably tomorrow, I look and feel like pooh today, so I'll spare you. But suprisingly I measured and have only gained 1 inch in 2 weeks. Bringing my belly to 43 inches around, and I have gained 20 or so pounds. I haven't been gaining fast at ALL this trimester. I have gained only 2 pounds in the last 6 weeks. But the doctors are not concerned in the least, because the babies are doing SO great. I still have NO stretch marks on my belly. But I would be SHOCKED if I NEVER got any. I do have 4 or so small (less than an inch each) stretch marks on the backs of my hips. But I'd rather have them there than on my belly anyways!
The babies are getting so big - around 15inches each. And it is starting to get pretty painful when they do BIG stretches. Sometimes I'm carrying something and they punch or kick so hard or fast that it actually DROP what I'm carrying! Luckily it hasn't been Vaughn that I've dropped yet!
Speaking of Vaughn it is getting rough with her and my stomach! Even her just resting against it, is SO uncomfortable and makes it harder for me to breathe. :( My poor thing just wants to snuggle!
I'll leave this with some adorable photos of my little peanut Vaughn. One is the day after my shower in the basement.... she loves sitting on the babies' carseat, and watching cartoons, which was nice, because I needed a shower - alone! And the other is her with my moms dog in his kennel. She'd stay in there and play ALL day with him if I let her! (sorry these are with my crappy camera phone). My DSLR doesn't hook up to my moms computer, because I didn't bring the software, but one day I'm going to get that figured out, because my camera phone SUCKS!