7pm at my house is what I like to call "baby witching hour." Vaughn was this way too. The babies, at least two of them, everynight, like to marathon feed. Or just be plain crabby until about 10pm. Never fails really, and it is a ROUGH couple hours. Vaughn also starts getting crabby and tired this time of night, so we're dealing with the babies, and Vaughn. Well, I had to do it alone last night. My stepsons helped as much as they felt comfortable, but of course I did most everything.
Van likes to eat. He LOVES to nurse. He'll nurse himself sick. Literally. Vaughn did this too. She really just wanted to suckle, but wouldn't take a pacifier, so she'd eat until she vomited. Fun. I learned the trick of giving her the side of my breast to suck on, so she wouldn't get sick. I had hickies all over my boob from her. Van doesn't realize when he's had enough. And I'm started to realize that. With all of the craziness last night alone I didnt' realize either when he had enough.
One second I'm bottle feeding Van some breastmilk next to me, and also doing the same with Pierce, on the boppy, and my stepson is feeding Jett. When Van pulls off the bottle and vomits about 3 ounces all over the couch. I pick him up and over my shoulder, and he vomits about 3 more ounces all over me.
Haha. He's adorable. Gotta love him. But he LOVES him some titty bar! We constantly tell him in our best asian accent from an SNL skit "You eat TOOO much, You go HOME!"
Adorable. Love the last pic. Looks like he's thinking of something great to say in response to this post!