Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. LOVE the photos!!! The one with you holding a little peanut is precious! I love looking at your blog April - thanks for posting. Only days (hopefully a few weeks) now for our trio! I wish you and your babies well!!!

  2. Congratulations from the May Monster IV board!!! I am so happy to see you and your boys doing so well =) Come by and update when you can!! Maybe you'll have some free time to do so in about...5 years?? ;-)
    Courtney (cam_in_boca)

  3. Hey April..I am making my way down the list ..visiting many households of triplets today....Your trips are so cute and ohhh the vomit thing..yep my declan would do that..he would eat too much and lose it all..It gets so frustrating and quite frankly gross. Like you have time to refeed right.. You are doing great. Heahter
