Monday, June 28, 2010

A little unplanned fun...

I must admit that I like plans. I like organization. I like everything as it should be and for everything to happen when I want it to. This has gotten worse since having children.

Since the triplets have been born we of course cannot focus 100% of our attention solely on Vaughn. And she knows it. Unfortunately.

I've been feeling awfully guilty that I can't give her the summers she deserves.

A summer in the sun.

A summer playing at the park.

A summer of many, many beach visits.

A summer of walks.

A summer of waterpark visits.

A summer of lying in the grass and contemplating bugs.

She's been robbed of a summer that she desperately wants. She BEGS to go outside. She pleads to sit in the front yard.

It hurts us a lot that because we have 3 newborns the majority of her summer she is stuck inside.

Yesterday in between feeding babies and knowing I had about an hour that I wouldn't be stuck to the couch, I was going to make my grocery list. Then I had a thought...

I grabbed some water balloons, filled them up, and told Vaughn to come outside. I pelted her with the balloons, and she squeeled with delight! "Again!" We had our hose running into our pool filling it up, so instead I grabbed that and started spraying her. In her clothes and all! Unplanned, unrehearsed, FUN!

She loved it! I sprayed her, she sprayed me. I let her run into her unfilled kiddie pool and fall down and get dirty..... in her clothes. *gasp!*

We had a fun 20 minutes or so of fun!

I need to learn to brer more spontaneous. For my children. I want them to live freely without strict schedules and planning.

I'm trying.

Who needs a waterpark? Vaughn doesn't know the difference!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You eat too much, you go home!

Doug is in the field for a few days. So I'm alone. With my 4 kids, and my two stepsons.

7pm at my house is what I like to call "baby witching hour." Vaughn was this way too. The babies, at least two of them, everynight, like to marathon feed. Or just be plain crabby until about 10pm. Never fails really, and it is a ROUGH couple hours. Vaughn also starts getting crabby and tired this time of night, so we're dealing with the babies, and Vaughn. Well, I had to do it alone last night. My stepsons helped as much as they felt comfortable, but of course I did most everything.

Van likes to eat. He LOVES to nurse. He'll nurse himself sick. Literally. Vaughn did this too. She really just wanted to suckle, but wouldn't take a pacifier, so she'd eat until she vomited. Fun. I learned the trick of giving her the side of my breast to suck on, so she wouldn't get sick. I had hickies all over my boob from her. Van doesn't realize when he's had enough. And I'm started to realize that. With all of the craziness last night alone I didnt' realize either when he had enough.

One second I'm bottle feeding Van some breastmilk next to me, and also doing the same with Pierce, on the boppy, and my stepson is feeding Jett. When Van pulls off the bottle and vomits about 3 ounces all over the couch. I pick him up and over my shoulder, and he vomits about 3 more ounces all over me.

Haha. He's adorable. Gotta love him. But he LOVES him some titty bar! We constantly tell him in our best asian accent from an SNL skit "You eat TOOO much, You go HOME!"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

They're Here!! 1 month old!!

Okay, I know this is WAY late. But the boys arrived on May 7th, 2010. As scheduled and planned.

The first, at 12:07 is Pierce, weighing 4lbs 11oz, 18 1/2 in.

Second came Jett, at 12:08 weighing 3lbs 15oz, 17 in.

And third, at 12:09, Vance (Van), weighing 5lbs 10oz, 19 in.

All of their apgars were great. All were healthy and looking perfect. I was discharged 4 days later, after an easy C Section recovery, and Van & Pierce were discharged the next day. Jett ended up staying for 13 days total in the NICU due to typical 36 week issues, maintaining body temp, and suck/swallowing/breathing.

We loaded the two up and went to the NICU everyday to see Jett. We headed back from Minnesota home to Virginia 4 days after Jett was discharged. Doug drove with Vaughn. And I flew with the triplets, with my moms help.

The day we left with all 3!

We've been home now for almost two weeks. And Doug went back to work almost immediately, and Vaughn to daycare. Things have been going pretty well. We have no family here, but a ton of friends. Friends have been a big help as far as cooking / preparing meals for us, which really is a HUGE help. My 12 year old and 17 year old stepsons are also living here for the summer, so they help with a lot of chores, so that is nice as well. We are pretty much doing it solo though. I don't get more than a two hour stretch of sleep, but I think it would feel weird at this point if I did. I am nursing Van & Pierce, and pumping for Jett, and he also gets fortified milk, and sometimes straight formula. He never quite got the hang of nursing after going back and forth between gavaging, going back in the incubator, etc. But it's all working out!

Here's some recent pictures! They're already over a month old!




Pierce: "Hey, I think I found a boob!", Van: "Me too!" Jett: "What the heck!?"