Since the triplets have been born we of course cannot focus 100% of our attention solely on Vaughn. And she knows it. Unfortunately.
I've been feeling awfully guilty that I can't give her the summers she deserves.
A summer in the sun.
A summer playing at the park.
A summer of many, many beach visits.
A summer of walks.
A summer of waterpark visits.
A summer of lying in the grass and contemplating bugs.
She's been robbed of a summer that she desperately wants. She BEGS to go outside. She pleads to sit in the front yard.
It hurts us a lot that because we have 3 newborns the majority of her summer she is stuck inside.
Yesterday in between feeding babies and knowing I had about an hour that I wouldn't be stuck to the couch, I was going to make my grocery list. Then I had a thought...
I grabbed some water balloons, filled them up, and told Vaughn to come outside. I pelted her with the balloons, and she squeeled with delight! "Again!" We had our hose running into our pool filling it up, so instead I grabbed that and started spraying her. In her clothes and all! Unplanned, unrehearsed, FUN!
She loved it! I sprayed her, she sprayed me. I let her run into her unfilled kiddie pool and fall down and get dirty..... in her clothes. *gasp!*
We had a fun 20 minutes or so of fun!
I need to learn to brer more spontaneous. For my children. I want them to live freely without strict schedules and planning.
I'm trying.
Who needs a waterpark? Vaughn doesn't know the difference!